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Production Scale Quality Inspection Center Service Support

Quality Inspection Center

At Feiyuan Storage, quality control is not just a buzzword.We have a dedicated team of quality control experts,These experts have the experience and expertise to accurately identify and resolve product quality issues.From the smallest sample to the largest finished product, every step of the production process is rigorously inspected.Feiyuan storage comprehensive and rigorous quality control system ensures that the safety and quality of its products meet the high standards of the industry.


Sample Inspection

Samples are scrutinized and tested prior to large-scale production to ensure the quality and accuracy of new items.This is especially important for highly customized products, helping to identify potential problems and take corrective action.

Raw Material Inspection

To ensure that raw materials are sourced from reliable suppliers and meet the stringent dimensional and quality requirements of Feiyuan storage.The team of inspectors scrutinizes each batch of raw material to ensure that it meets the standards.

Component Inspection

During the production process, each component is inspected to ensure quality assurance, dimensional consistency and proper fit.

Semi-finished Products Inspection

Detailed measurements of dimensions, angles and weld strength of semi-finished products are carried out to detect product defects at an early stage and take corrective action.This step helps to improve productivity and the quality of the next stage of the batch.

Finished product inspections

After the product has been manufactured, a rigorous finished product inspection is carried out, which includes checks on dimensions, load capacity, welding conditions, surface finish and flexibility of disassembly/assembly.This helps to ensure that products meet the strictest safety standards and fulfil customer expectations.


Package Status Inspection

During the loading process, the quantity of the product and the condition of the packaging are carefully checked to ensure that the product can be transported safely.These include checking the packaging is sealed and the method of packaging specifications.

Container Loading Inspection

A comprehensive assessment of the structural stability and locking mechanisms of containers to ensure the safety of the goods being transported. Meanwhile, check the quantity and placement of products in the container to minimize the risk of breakage and improve the utilization of space


Green Raw Material Procurement
  • Choosing environmental material, non-toxic and recyclable raw materials in preference to reduce environmental pollution at source.
  • Establish a strict environmental protection standard cooperation mechanism with suppliers to jointly promote the green supply chain.
Energy Saving And Emission Reduction Technology Application
  • Widely used energy-saving equipment and technology, such as high-efficiency energy-saving motor, intelligent temperature control system, reduce energy consumption.
  • Strengthening energy management, implementing energy consumption monitoring and assessment, and ensuring the efficient use of resources.
Green Packaging & Recycling
  • Promoting the use of recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials and reducing the use of single-use plastics.
  • Establishing a packaging recovery mechanism and encouraging customers to participate in packaging recovery programme to promote resource recycling.
Smart Logistics Reduces Carbon Emissions
  • Optimize the layout of the logistics network and use wide data and AI technology to plan the shortest and most efficient distribution routes to reduce transport carbon emissions.
  • Encourage to use of low-emission or new energy means of transport, such as electric lorries, to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities.
Environmentally Surface Treatment Materials
  • In the surface treatment process, environmental protection coating, plating solution and other materials are preferentially used, which are non-toxic, harmless and easy to degrade.
Recycling And Resourcing
  • The waste liquid and residue produced in the process of surface treatment are recycled or utilized as resources.
  • Through waste water treatment to recover useful substances, waste slag into building materials or filling materials, to achieve waste reduction, resource and harmless.
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